Isabely Arraes
Writer at HealthToday, Clinical Nutritionist, and Techinical Assistent in Nutrition Projects at Nutritotal and Ganep Educação.
Previous experiences as a hospital nutritionist, member of the Vegetarian Nutrition Academic League, the Academic Medical Extension, and the EducAtivo project at the University of São Paulo.
Our body is our temple. What we consume, in the broadest sense of the word, determines who we are and how our life will unfold.
Eat well, surround yourself with people who care about you, and avoid bad habits. Watch good movies, listen to upbeat music, spend time in nature, and cultivate a relationship with the spiritual world.
With a light and grateful lifestyle, happiness and health will land in your hand like a butterfly alighting on a beautiful flower.
Does Nicotine Raise Blood Pressure? Explore The Link, Prevention Strategies, and More
Does smoking cause high blood pressure? In the short term, yes. Every time you smoke, it causes a temporary increase in blood pressure (1). Blood pressure increases when blood has difficulty traveling through the blood vessels. In simple terms, it’s like you’re in a tunnel with a lot of people, and you need to make […]
Ginger and Parkinson’s Disease: Potential Benefits and Tips
Ginger and Parkinson’s disease: What is the link? After Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder. It affects 1 to 2 percent of the elderly population (1). Basically, PD stems from the gradual loss of dopaminergic neurons in a specific area of the midbrain. This leads to a shortage of dopamine, […]