Howard Chang MD
Can Type 1 Diabetes Be Cured? Discover Latest Breakthrough
Type 1 diabetes average life expectancy Before the introduction of insulin therapy in 1922, T1D was a fatal diagnosis. Still today, experts say that without insulin therapy, individuals with T1D have a lifespan of days to weeks, depending on the severity of complications (3). With insulin, however, people are living longer with T1D now than […]
Can Spondyloarthritis Cause Right or Left Hip Pain Related to Bowels?
What is spondyloarthritis? Spondyloarthritis is a mouthful, but dissecting the word can help us understand it more easily. The ending “-itis” means inflammation. “Spondylo-” means related to the spine, and “arthritis” refers to inflammation of the joints. Putting it all together, “spondyloarthritis” means inflammation of the spine and joints. Doctors use the term “axial SpA” […]
Can Blood Pressure Variations Be the Side Effects of High Potassium? Connections and More
Causes of high potassium in adults There are many reasons why potassium levels might be elevated. Below, we address some common causes (5). Pseudohyperkalemia The most common reason for high potassium levels is pseudohyperkalemia. Pseudo means fake, and this describes a scenario when your laboratory tests indicate a high potassium level, while it is, in […]
How to Detox Your Body From Sugar: Basics and Commitment Tips
Basics of how to detox sugar from your body In your sugar detox, you want to avoid as many added sugars (refined sugars) as possible. Refined sugars are those that do not occur naturally in whole foods but have been extracted and processed by humans before being added to drinks and foods. For instance, added […]
Effects of Sugar on The Body: Too Much Sugar Symptoms and Diabetes
What is refined sugar, and why is it not good for you? All sugars are not created equal. We can broadly think of sugars as natural or refined, with refined sugars leading to the negative health effects associated with excess sugar consumption. Natural sugar vs added sugar: What are the differences? Natural sugars occur in […]