Chain-Ruei Huang, RD
Eating-related behavior therapy, preventative nutrition, public health nutrition
Work Experience: Highly skilled and compassionate Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with expertise in eating-related behavior therapy, preventative nutrition, public health nutrition, and disease nutrition. Dedicated to integrating yoga principles in clinical nutrition counseling for enhanced patient communication and improved well-being. Committed to sharing knowledge and perspective via media to benefit a broader audience.
Food is the intertwined thread of life, nurturing our journey through every stage, from infancy to old age. As we navigate our fast-paced world, let us not forget the essence of life, but embrace it with compassion and understanding, sharing our wisdom for the benefit of all."
What Happens if You Drink Turmeric Milk Everyday?
TRANSCRIPT Curcumin’s Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Powers First off, you’ll have a much lower risk of contracting various diseases, infections, and other health conditions. That’s because the main active ingredient in turmeric is a natural compound called curcumin, which has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidants shield your body by fighting off cell damage and help […]
What Is Keto Flu? Your Guide to a Smooth Transition
What Causes The Keto Flu This happens because your body needs to adjust to burning fat for energy instead of its usual source: carbohydrates. When you suddenly cut down on carbs, it takes time for your body to switch to burning dietary fat for energy. Several factors come into play during this transition, triggering the […]
Breast Cancer Awareness: Knowing the Signs Could Save Your Life
Signs of breast cancer Anyone can get breast cancer, but the risk elevates with age. The earliest sign is usually a lump in your breast or underarms. Watch out also for any of these changes: Remember that these signs can happen with other conditions that are not cancer. Some may even not experience any at […]
Gaslighting Signs: Trust Your Instincts, Safeguard Yourself
What is gaslighting Gaslighting is a sneaky way of manipulating what happens in abusive relationships. This emotional abuse can make you doubt your thoughts, memories, or sanity. We understand how challenging it can be to spot gaslighting, but knowing the signs is essential. Gaslighters often use lies to discredit or deny the victim, twist words […]
Intermittent Fasting: Lose Weight Without Counting Calories
What Is the intermittent fasting The most common methods are the 16/8 and 12/12, where you fast for 16 or 12 hours and eat during the remaining hours. Some people have lost up to 10 pounds in just a month through intermittent fasting! But remember that it’s only suited for some. Seek counsel from a […]
Golo Reviews: Is Golo Credible?
What Is The GOLO Diet? GOLO is a unique program for weight loss that includes a healthy diet with supplements. The GOLO supplements are designed to improve insulin sensitivity and then help you lose weight. But before you sign up, knowing what people say about GOLO is essential. As with any program, positive reviews and […]
Calm in Chaos: How to Practice Mindfulness and Transform Your Life
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Chicken Diet: Delicious Path To Shedding Pounds
Slimming Down With Chicken It is a great source of lean protein to help you feel fuller and satisfied throughout the day. Plus, chicken protein can boost your metabolism and burn more calories. But not all chicken cuts are created equal. So, which part of the chicken is the best for shedding those extra pounds? […]
Blast Away Belly Fat: Tips for a Slimmer You
Blast Away Belly Fat Belly fat contains mostly visceral fat. It’s harder to lose than other fat because the body stores it here to protect our organs. Unfortunately, we can’t target fat in specific areas, but we can reduce body fat, including belly fat. One key factor is eating a balanced diet high in fiber […]
Discover the Mediterranean Diet: Delicious and Nutritious
Discover the Mediterranean Diet So, what are the main foods in a Mediterranean diet? It emphasizes whole, minimally processed foods like whole grains, legumes, and vegetables. Colorful fruits are also included for dessert. Healthy fats can be obtained from olive oil, fatty fish, and nuts. There are no set rules about what you can and […]