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Are There Cancer Killing Foods? Healthy Fats Can Help
What are healthy fats? Healthy fats are essential fatty acids that are vital to many bodily functions. Essential fatty acids fall into two categories: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats (MUFAs): MUFAs help lower bad cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke (6). These fats also provide essential building blocks for your body’s […]
Is There Heart Cancer? Types, Symptoms, Treatments
What is heart cancer? Is there heart cancer? Yes, heart cancer does exist, but it’s an extremely rare form of cancer. Heart cancer, or cardiac sarcoma, is a primary malignant tumor that starts within heart tissues. But what is a heart tumor? Is it different from heart cancer? A heart tumor, also known as a […]
Do Artificial Sweeteners Cause Cancer? Facts of Aspartame, Sucralose and Cancer
Understanding cancer To discuss artificial sweeteners and their potential to cause cancer, we must first clarify the concept of cancer. Different kinds of cancers can affect the human body, but they all have one thing in common: uncontrollable growth of cells. In our bodies, cells divide constantly to form new tissues and keep our bodies […]
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Are There Cancer Killing Foods? Healthy Fats Can Help
What are healthy fats? Healthy fats are essential fatty acids that are vital to many bodily functions. Essential fatty acids fall into two categories: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats (MUFAs): MUFAs help lower bad cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke (6). These fats also provide essential building blocks for your body’s […]
Is There Heart Cancer? Types, Symptoms, Treatments
What is heart cancer? Is there heart cancer? Yes, heart cancer does exist, but it’s an extremely rare form of cancer. Heart cancer, or cardiac sarcoma, is a primary malignant tumor that starts within heart tissues. But what is a heart tumor? Is it different from heart cancer? A heart tumor, also known as a […]
Do Artificial Sweeteners Cause Cancer? Facts of Aspartame, Sucralose and Cancer
Understanding cancer To discuss artificial sweeteners and their potential to cause cancer, we must first clarify the concept of cancer. Different kinds of cancers can affect the human body, but they all have one thing in common: uncontrollable growth of cells. In our bodies, cells divide constantly to form new tissues and keep our bodies […]
16 Cancer-Causing Foods to Avoid | 5 Worst Foods for Cancer Treatment
16 foods that can cause cancer In cancer prevention, understanding the types of cancer-causing foods is essential. These are the foods that are known to contain carcinogenic substances or create conditions that help cancer development. So, what foods cause cancer? From red meats to sugary drinks, the list of cancer-causing foods encompasses a wide range […]
Lastest Articles
Are There Cancer Killing Foods? Healthy Fats Can Help
What are healthy fats? Healthy fats are essential fatty acids that are vital to many bodily functions. Essential fatty acids fall into two categories: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats (MUFAs): MUFAs help lower bad cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke (6). These fats also provide essential building blocks for your body’s […]
Is There Heart Cancer? Types, Symptoms, Treatments
What is heart cancer? Is there heart cancer? Yes, heart cancer does exist, but it’s an extremely rare form of cancer. Heart cancer, or cardiac sarcoma, is a primary malignant tumor that starts within heart tissues. But what is a heart tumor? Is it different from heart cancer? A heart tumor, also known as a […]
Do Artificial Sweeteners Cause Cancer? Facts of Aspartame, Sucralose and Cancer
Understanding cancer To discuss artificial sweeteners and their potential to cause cancer, we must first clarify the concept of cancer. Different kinds of cancers can affect the human body, but they all have one thing in common: uncontrollable growth of cells. In our bodies, cells divide constantly to form new tissues and keep our bodies […]
16 Cancer-Causing Foods to Avoid | 5 Worst Foods for Cancer Treatment
16 foods that can cause cancer In cancer prevention, understanding the types of cancer-causing foods is essential. These are the foods that are known to contain carcinogenic substances or create conditions that help cancer development. So, what foods cause cancer? From red meats to sugary drinks, the list of cancer-causing foods encompasses a wide range […]
What Is Breast Calcification: Causes and Treatments
Calcium deposits in breasts: Should you be concerned? Calcium deposition in the breast is also known as breast calcification. It is not uncommon to find white spots on breasts in mammography (radiological investigation). These white spots indicate tiny calcium deposits (1). Calcium deposits can be of great concern as sometimes they signal serious underlying diseases. […]
Can You Die From Skin Cancer? Survival Rates and Preventions
Can you survive skin cancer: Is skin cancer fatal? Skin cancer survival depends upon the type and the stage of cancer. Basal cell carcinoma has the most positive outcomes among all skin cancers, while melanoma is the most serious (3, 8). Survival is determined as a five-year survival rate after diagnosis. It is an estimated […]
Can You Have Cancer and Not Know It | Hidden Cancer Symptoms
How long can you have cancer without knowing? Hidden cancer symptoms The rate at which cancer develops and becomes noticeable depends solidly on the type of cancer and individual differences. So, there’s no fixed timeframe for tumor growth. Can you have cancer for years and not know it? The answer is a solid yes: cancer […]
What Type of Cancer Causes Low Hemoglobin? Anemia and Cancer
Anemia and cancer: What you should know Anemia is when your body runs low on red blood cells. This condition is also called low hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin (Hb) is the iron-rich protein that gives blood its red color and helps carry oxygen throughout the body (1, 2, 3). The World Health Organization […]
Why Is Soda Bad for You: 18 Side Effects on Health and More
How does soda affect your body and why you should quit drinking Is drinking soda bad for you? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the harmful effects of soft drinks on the human body – as with other sugary drinks, include weight gain/obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, heart […]
Is Burping a Lot a Sign of Cancer? Possible Links and More
Excessive belching and cancer: What is the link? Belching, also called burping or eructation, is when air from your stomach or esophagus comes out into the throat in a sound (1, 2). Belching is usually good, as it means your body is getting rid of extra air to ease your stomach (1, 3). Everyone experiences […]