How Green Tea Helps You Clear Clogged Arteries


If you want a healthy, long life, it’s crucial to keep your arteries clean. There are many things we can do to limit the formation of plaques that clot the arteries. And it’s as simple as watching what we eat and drink daily.

Clogged arteries – Mechanism & Risks

If you want a healthy, long life, keeping your arteries clean is crucial. If arteries get clogged, your blood cannot flow freely and efficiently throughout the body. When blood can’t reach the heart, it leads to a heart attack. And when it can’t get the brain, it results in a stroke. (1)

Don’t fret! We can do many things to limit the formation of plaques that clot the arteries. And it’s as simple as watching what we eat and drink daily. (1)

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Green tea in clinical trials

This is why we’re here to shout out green tea—this familiar drink might just be our hero in the fight against plaques.

In thousands of human studies, drinking green tea has been found to lower overall cholesterol, cut down on the bad LDL cholesterol, reduce blood sugar, ease blood pressure, and boost the good HDL cholesterol that helps remove cholesterol from plaques.

It’s like a spa day for your arteries! (2 , 3)

Read more: What is matcha?

How EGCG works

How does it work all that magic? Let’s explore what happens at the molecular level!

One culprit behind artery-related issues is LDL-cholesterol, called LDL for short, and it’s one of the cholesterol types.

When LDL particles go through oxidation, more petite and denser particles are formed, causing cholesterol buildup (or plaque) in arterial walls.

This buildup can make arteries thicker or harder, which is called atherosclerosis. (1 , 4 , 5 , 3)

Now, here comes our green tea hero! It’s packed with antioxidants, like catechins. These stop LDL from being oxidized and prevent clogged arteries right from the start! (4 , 6)

A common type of catechin that enhances our arteries like this is EGCG. (6) In the advanced stage of atherosclerosis, insoluble amyloid fibrils are formed, making the buildup much bigger. (1 , 6)

A study suggests that EGCG can bind to Apolipoprotein A-1 (ApoA-1) amyloid fibrils, breaking them into smaller, non-toxic, and soluble molecules. And that’s a win for better blood flow! (7 , 8)

Another study focused on Aβ40 and Aβ42 fibrils, revealing that EGCG doesn’t break them but directly changes their structure. So, these fibrils become non-toxic and less harmful to our cells. (8 , 9 , 10)

However, these experiments were in test tubes, not humans. So, the detailed mechanism remains an ongoing area of research. But one thing’s for sure: There is solid evidence for green tea’s anti-amyloid properties. (8 , 9 , 10 , 11)

Read more: What is EGCG?


One or two cups won’t give enough EGCG to clear your arteries. (4 , 6) Due to its caffeine content, more than 8 cups a day of green tea might bring on headaches, anxiety, nausea, and heart palpitations. (6 , 12 , 13)

What about extracting EGCG from green tea at home? It’s not a good idea—the process is pretty complex! (6) Moreover, too much green tea extract can possibly injure the liver. (12 , 14)

How to drink for healthy arteries

Keep it simple: Daily, 3-5 cups of green tea is optimal. Time it right – two hours before and after meals. (15 , 16) It’s not just good for arteries – your heart, brain, and overall health will get a boost!

However, there’s no one drink that magically clears all clogs! Keep your arteries happy with a balanced diet, good habits, and zero smoking.

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Green tea’s antioxidants, like EGCG, could help prevent artery-clogging plaque formation, but moderation is vital due to caffeine; aim for 3-5 cups daily alongside a balanced diet for arterial health.

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